Daily minyan

We are very proud of our minyanim, and are now having a difficult time finding 10 Jews to make the quorum to read Torah and say Kaddish.

Please help by looking at your calendar and committing to being at a minyan or two each month. This easy to use form will let our minyan captain know when you are able commit. This helps him so much in planning.

We all face the need of having a minyan at some point in our lives, and we all appreciate having one. Banding together will help ourselves and others be assured of having one.

In advance, Thank you for keeping our community strong.

Sign up to be part of our SRJC What’s App group

We communicate our needs for minyan by using WhatsApp. Please click HERE to become part of the SRJC Minyan group.

In addition you will receive a message when we have gathered and need additional people to make the minyan.

If you do not have WhatsApp, and would like to be part of our messaging service, please click HERE to download app and then fill out form below to be part of our SRJC daily minyan messages.

Contact Mike Harrison for more information. MHarrison@budgetblinds.com 917-417-6227

In addition

If you wish to attend a minyan that is not on our regularly scheduled day, please contact Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi@srjc.org and he will see to arrange one.